Whether you just graduated from university or looking for a career shift, deciding on the right career path for you can often be challenging, that’s where career coaching comes in.

With so many options ahead of you, yet minimal experience in your targeted industry or field of interest, it’s so common that many people seek support in these stages of their career journey. Advice is usually needed to form a complete picture of what could be the right career path for you.

Seek advice from the experts

When looking for help during the first steps in your career, it’s always easy to take the first opinion that comes your way -after all, the matter is highly time-sensitive, and you are pressured to make a decision and start your career journey. Friends and family members will always be very welcoming to give you their opinion and share their personal experiences.

[clickToTweet tweet=”The right career for you is a crucial matter, and it’s preferred to seek a second opinion whenever you feel overwhelmed.” quote=”The right career for you is a crucial matter, and it’s preferred to seek a second opinion whenever you feel overwhelmed.” theme=”style3″]

However, the right career for you is a crucial matter, and it’s preferred to seek a second opinion whenever you feel overwhelmed. Seek advice from subject matter experts and professionals in the field you wish to join.

Or ask us! check WUZZUF career coaching services now and get a second opinion from an expert.

Job search strategy and tools

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The process of seeking support in your career journey can start at a very early stage in your life. If you already chose a career goal that you wish to pursue and have a target role, field or industry then you have to get yourself ready with the right tools that would help you in achieving your goals.

Career support with all its forms aims at providing you with a directive approach while building your tools for acquiring any job. For example, if you wish to join a specific field in the job market, you probably need an assessment to the current employment landscape, to make a correct decision, you will require information such as industry trends, employment statistics, and salary expectations.

Another popular form of career support is refining resumes or cover letters. These are crucial tools to seek any position; you might need an expert’s opinion about resume do’s and don’ts. You need to have an idea of how companies view your resume when you apply for any job.

Your resume is the first basis on which a company decides whether or not to contact you for an interview. It’s not only about the templates, but it’s the content and how you present yourself and your skills.

Other forms of career support are related to how to act and how to leave a memorable first impression in any job interview. All these questions and more are common among job seekers especially those seeking entry-level jobs right after graduation. Getting the right answers will get you ready with the tools needed for acquiring any position and therefore support for your primary career goal.

What’s the right job for you?

Another deeper level of career support is career coaching. While it is similar to career advising in concept, it focuses more on your skills, strengths, and work values. It helps you build your ideal career path based on these fundamental elements.

A career coach’s focus is on your future career goals; they aim at working with you to find the ideal job that matches your personality traits, talents and work values.

They use a variety of tools and exercises to help you identify your career goals and take actions towards achieving them. Career coaching works better with experienced individuals; the activities coaches use when you’re setting your goals require some experience with the nature of work environments in general.

Is career coaching for everyone?

In career coaching, everything is tailored to your needs and aspirations. A successful coaching session will increase your awareness of what is blocking your way to your goals. With the support of your career coach, you get to establish realistic action plans and take charge of your career with the focus on transforming it into what you always wanted.

Career coaching is known to be an exciting journey for those who feel lost and unsatisfied with their current positions in general or career paths in specific. If you’re asking yourself “how did I get here?” when thinking about your career, it may be time to talk to a coach, says Cheryl Hunter of The Hunter Group.  The self-discovery will result in increasing your self-awareness regarding your strengths and how to utilize them to choose the right career path.

After some sessions (maximum four or five), you will build your customized plan that will keep you on track to accomplish what you set yourself out to do. WUZZUF offers career coaching services with highly capable certified coaches who will help you get the expert advice that you need.

To make sure you get the full benefit from career coaching, you have to be willing to be coached. You have to be aware that the journey requires excellent commitment from your side. You should be open to new ideas, making changes and willing and ready to take actions. In the end, seeing the results will make the time, effort and money worth it!

Don’t end up at a job you hate

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In our current job market, all fields are highly competitive, and not all graduates usually have the luxury of choosing the jobs they land after graduation. As a career coach, I have met hundreds of professionals who have ended up in positions only because “that was their only option back then.”

Moreover, not all universities now provide proper preparation to the job market, and students graduate to a variety of fields and job roles without knowing which best suit their talents or personalities.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Many people end up stuck at a job they don’t like without any clue how to change it or what change they should seek; don’t be one of them.” quote=”Many people end up stuck at a job they hate and want to leave without any clue how to change it or what change they should seek; don’t be one of them.” theme=”style3″]

As a result, many people end up stuck at a job they hate and want to leave without any clue how to change it or what change they should seek; don’t be one of them. Career coaching offers a structured process of building a career path and finding the job that you would best excel at, to allow you to move forward and make progress with your professional career aspirations.

Have you ever tried a form of career support? Let us know about your experiences in the comments below.

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Yosra Nasrat

Author Yosra Nasrat

WUZZUF Career Coach

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