Whether you were able to attend it or not, we didn’t want you to miss out on anything that happened during Egypt Career Summit 2019, which took place on March 1 and 2 at The GrEEK Campus.

The event aimed to provide answers in a lot of fields. From finance to marketing, from social media to HR, the summit had it all!

WUZZUF participated as a strategic platinum partner to highlight the fact that it’s about more than a job title.

Here are our top five values around which the summit revolved.

Thriving not just surviving

Have you noticed how the job market is thriving? Years ago who knew how rife every event/summit would be with such potentials?

Well, somehow we knew. We saw it in our journey growing from a “might be successful” startup to a high-potential one. And we had CEO Ameer Sherif who’s behind it all talking about this.

The little startup that could

Ameer’s talk about WUZZUF’s journey was very inspiring. Fighting every “Why would you do that?” and “That’s a waste of time, effort, and money” criticism, he saw the vision crystal clear. This is why he was able to take WUZZUF and the whole job market to a new level.

Ameer spoke with Akram Marwan, managing director at Icareer, about turning down great job offers along the way and how a merely surviving startup wasn’t his plan. He wanted WUZZUF to thrive.

WUZZUF is now the #1 career destination in Egypt. It has more than 10,000 job posts and more than 1,500,000 professionals. All of this comes hand in hand with providing several other significant services that impact the entire ecosystem.

The conversation heated up when the duo was talking about some actual jobs on Wuzzuf.net that have very interesting requirements and benefits.

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What’s happening out there?

As leaders in the field, we want you to know all the ins and outs of the job market like the numbers of people you’re competing with and the jobs that attract crowds and those that don’t. And Egypt Career Summit 2019 was the perfect opportunity!

Career Coach Amgad El-Sakka highlighted the fact that the employment rate went up in the last two years. For instance, in 2017 the total number of jobs in 10 fields was 26,420 and that number went up to 48,078 jobs in 2018. Meanwhile, the number of applicants in these 10 fields in 2017 was 296,832 and this increased in 2018 to 778,984. Amgad emphasized that competition is quite intense.

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The revolution of social impact

What makes you get up every morning?

Ikigai is a Japanese word that means “a reason to jump out of bed each morning.” In other words, it’s a sense of purpose and meaning and a feeling of well-being.

WUZZUF Product Marketing Manager Mourad Salih took the stage to talk about his ikigai story. To find out yours, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I love? (Your passion)
  • What does the world need? (Your mission)
  • What am I good at? (Your vocation)
  • What can I get paid for? (Your profession)

Then, you can find your why, set a learning plan, and satiate your curiosity. This is how you’ll find yourself leaving an impact everywhere you go.

What makes a brand consistent and sustainable?

Tending and giving back to the community around us has always been what keeps us going here at WUZZUF.

This is what CEO Ameer Sherif highlighted during a panel discussion with Mohamed AboulNaga (CEO of Halan), Aly Rafea (Bey2ollak CEO), Rami Essam (strategy and planning director at Careem), and Sherif Monsef (regional marketing at Mednet). He added that what makes startups more appealing than corporates are things like social impact.

The panel went on to include what these gurus think the pros and cons of working in a startup vs. in a corporate are.

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Powerful career networking

WUZZUF Zone at Egypt Career Summit 2019 was the perfect place to know WUZZUF’s people. The whole zone was tailored to engage with you, and it did so beautifully!

Also, it was a full house at the coaches’ area and they were more than happy to have you more specifically know about career values, get a bit of advice, and understand how to prepare/plan career steps wisely.

WUZZUF Circles

At midday, the whole event was made of circles, with each dedicated to a specific field, like digital marketing, software development, and so on. The participants of each circle began to discuss what’s new in the field, what’s trending, and what’s going to be happening next from each one’s perspective.

This was also the perfect opportunity for networking and exchanging business cards and phone numbers. It was hard to break off the circles with all this value going around, but the show had to go on.

Effective mentoring techniques

If you don’t know about #AskYosra yet, you’re about to!

#AskYosra is a WUZZUF coaching series that guides job seekers giving them the chance to prepare themselves efficiently to nail job interviews, tailor an amazing career plan, write memorable CVs, and more. And Yosra Nasrat, WUZZUF career coach and the show’s presenter, was LIVE on stage at Egypt Career Summit 2019!

Yosra spent about an hour on stage answering questions that the audience left her on slido.com. She tackled the most common questions such as how to negotiate your salary, how to answer the dreaded “where do you see yourself 5 years” interview question, and much more.

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For the duration of Egypt Career Summit 2019, our career coaches had their hands full running workshops. From interview preparation 101, how to highlight your achievements, which CV template to use, to the crafting of the cover letter that will get you the job you want at the company you want, the coaches left no stone unturned.

Not only career coaching!

We didn’t forget about sales, which is one of the most in-demand fields right now. Ahmed Desouki, our business development manager, and AXA Global Health Sales Manager Adham Yusuf held a workshop that covered the similarities and differences between B2B and B2C sales.

The two also discussed with the attendees how a sales funnel works. In addition, they provided tips and tricks as to how a business developer/salesperson should customize their approach according to their target.

You're the reason why

Before you go…

We wanted to mention how delighted we were to see you at Egypt Career Summit 2019. This whole event wouldn’t matter if it weren’t for you. Professionals like yourself are why everything is where it is now at WUZZUF. And we couldn’t be more pleased to be part of your career journey. This is why we do what we do. 

Keep your eyes peeled for our next events.

Until then!

Start your career now!


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