Employee Referral Program Ingredients:

  • One Survey
  • Happy Employees
  • Incentives
  • Social Media Engagement

Prep Time: 1 Month 


1. First, develop and deploy a survey to all current employees to see how likely current employees are to recommend the company to their friends and family members if they are currently looking for work.

On a scale of 1-10, if the answer is between 6-10, great! Next, find out what they like about working for the company and move forward with implementing your program. However, if the answer is less than that, you have issues to overcome before you can implement a successful employee referral program.

“Happy Employees = Higher Internal Referrals”

2. Happy Employees = Higher Internal Referrals. It’s simple math. Create a dedicated page/section on your website to share employee testimonials and their experiences. When other people see how happy employees are, they will undoubtedly want to work for your company.

employee referrals

Moreover, try going directly to your qualified employees who have been working for your company for at least a few years. Ask them whether they know anyone for “XYZ” positions. They are the most likely to recommend viable candidates for you to reach out to.

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3. According to Recruiting Daily Advisor, some of the most successful employee referral programs offer incentives to current employees who refer people that end up getting hired.

A cash referral bonus is the most common reward. Amounts can typically range from 500 LE to 2,500 LE. Cash, however, isn’t the only reward option.

According to ITA Group, a provider of employee engagement solutions, non-cash rewards have become increasingly popular in recent years. These can be in the form of football match tickets, spa days, an extra vacation day, etc.

The key is to find what resonates with your employees and tailor rewards accordingly.

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4. Social media makes it easy for your employees to communicate with their friends and colleagues about job opportunities at your company. To facilitate referrals, make sure job postings are easy to share on social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

Moreover, if your company has an internal marketing team, encourage the team to send out an internal email monthly. Ideally, this email would contain all open job positions. Encourage your employees to share this with their networks online and through their own social channels. 

The Final Touch

Finally, by following these steps, your program is almost ready! But there is one final touch you shouldn’t forget. Make sure to ask those that apply online whether they know anyone who currently works at the company so that person can be given credit if the candidate is successfully hired. 

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Remember, your company is only as good as your employees. In other words, treat them well and you will naturally see an increase in internal referrals.

Have you ever included referrals in your talent acquisition plan? Tell us about your experience in the comments below.

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