Here’s a common question people ask around the world: How can parents take care of their households and children while working on advancing their careers? While it can be stressful and overwhelming, it’s not impossible for parents to balance it all out.

Here are 4 ways parents can balance work and family life in Egypt:

Set realistic expectations

Work-life balance is hard for everyone. Many people find themselves falling into the category of “workaholics” while others hardly find time for work due to responsibilities at home.

Finding time for your family, your work, and yourself is a delicate dance. So don’t be too hard on yourself if you feel overwhelmed. There are many in the same boat as you. There are only 24 hours in a day. Decide how many hours you want to dedicate to each part of your day and make a plan based on that. For example, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, 1 hour at the gym, 5 hours with the family during the weekdays and 2 hours to wind down and relax. Prioritize and set your own schedule based on your circumstances.

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Involve your support system

No one goes through life alone. You’ve proabably heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” and nothing could be truer for working moms and dads. Whether it is your spouse, your parents, your neighbors or close family members, don’t be afraid to voice your needs and ask for help with the house and the kids.

Come up with a schedule for your spouse or parents to watch the kids during times you find yourself unable to do so. Alternate between days of cooking for the family and days of helping the kids with homework. The more you involve your support system, the easier you can balance your work-life commitments. Besides, many times we find grandma and grandpa are thrilled to spend time with their grandchildren.

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Request a flexible work schedule

Nine-to-five, Sunday to Thursday may not work for everybody. Maybe you have a long commute or you find it hard to spend time with the kids. Talk to your boss about a flexible schedule that works for both you and the company. Some ideas include:

  • Working remotely (telecommuting) one or two days of the week
  • Coming in earlier and leaving earlier, or coming in a little later and leaving work later (so that it better aligns with your kids’ school schedules)
  • Reducing your hours to part-time
  • Coming into the office for four 10-hour workdays, rather than five 8-hour days

If none of that works, you can schedule your vacation days strategically so you have at least a few days of the month to simply be home with your kids.

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Use time-hacks for efficiency 

  • Cook large portions that can sit for a long time and that you can eat over several days. You can also use a slow cooker so your meal is done by the time work is over.
  • Run errands whenever you can, such as during your lunch break or before you pick up your kids.
  • Prepare for the week on the weekends to lessen the load during the upcoming week. Even things like picking out your outfits for the week or taking care of laundry can be a big help.
  • Do simple daily cleaning instead of deep-cleaning. Don’t burden yourself with maintaining a spotless household every day. You can schedule a day during the week or every two weeks for a deep-clean. Depending on how old the kids are, you can get their help with chores.

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Maintaining a work-life balance can be a challenge for anyone, but it’s not impossible. Using some of these strategies can make it easier for you. Remember parents, you don’t have to do it all. Find a balance that makes you happy. Want to spend more time at home than at work? Great. Do what is best for you and your family.

If you tried all the above tips and you still think that you need more flexible career options, then explore more opportunities on WUZZUF.

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