While watching the new Spider-Man: Far From Home movie this weekend, I noticed how relatable Spider-Man is. A young guy with so much potential who is faced with the task of making huge decisions every day. It reminded me of the interns I met and worked with. Could there be a correlation between Spider-Man and interns?

I’m not saying we’re about to find our next Egyptian Spider-Man. Of course, there are striking differences here. Perhaps the most obvious being that Spider-Man is a superhero. Never mind that he can climb walls and shoot webbing out of his wrist; it’s not every day that we stumble upon a radioactive spider.

So apart from the supernatural agility and strength, how similar are you really to Spider-Man?

One of the most distinctive things about you and Spider-Man is age. Spider-Man is one of the youngest superheroes with incredible potential. The last Avengers: End Game movie hinted that Spider-Man might carry on the legacy of Tony Stark, Iron Man. This gives Spider-Man potential for a huge future ahead of him. Spider-Man has always been a strong character who wasn’t defined by a group. Perhaps this is what made him the best choice for such a huge responsibility. 

With so much potential, energy and youth, you have a chance to grow as a young professional and move towards your career goals too. Furthermore, when you join the world of work, you start small too—or, in business terms, you start as an intern. This is probably what caught my attention most: Spider-Man started out as an intern too. 

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Spider-Man created his own internship opportunity

Spider-Man first started out as a volunteer. He used his particular set of skills to keep his neighborhood safe. That’s how he could build his personal brand. His name and reputation became popular enough that, even at such a young age, he caught the attention of Iron Man. Isn’t that proof enough of the importance of personal branding

Iron Man sought out Spider-Man. This resonated with me since it’s what many employers do. They don’t wait for interested applicants. Instead, they proactively source and headhunt potential candidates. Iron Man then recruited Spider-Man as an “intern Avenger.” 

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I don’t expect you to fight supervillains in order to get headhunted by a billionaire like Tony Stark. However, I imagine the struggle might feel the same.

With great power comes great responsibility

Spider-Man managed to fulfill his role and help out Iron Man—no spoilers. Spider-Man was then told to go back to keeping his neighborhood safe until he received his next mission. However, Spider-Man was no ordinary intern. Rather than passively waiting for his next assignment, he was proactive and got in contact with Iron Man’s assistant. 

Spider-Man took initiative by continuously reporting his own progress and never ceasing to ask about his next mission. His enthusiasm still inspires me. Even though he was told to perform his old task of protecting the town while he waited for more instructions, he took that to the next level. 

Spider-Man wasn’t afraid of taking on more responsibilities, even if he had to risk his own life (don’t try this at home). However, those responsibilities are what got him the “job” as a full-time Avenger.


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Jump-Start Your Career the Spider-Man Way

You can use the exciting events of Spider-Man to land an internship opportunity—hopefully at a billionaire’s company—and maybe even a future job. 

If you think it is too soon to get an internship, you can start with volunteering your time and effort towards something impactful and improve your skills. If this doesn’t create enough buzz for you to get headhunted, at least it’ll give you some experience to add to your CV

Here’s the paradox many students have complained to me about: You need experience to find a job but you need a job to get experience. Volunteer first. Start small, like Spider-Man did with his neighborhood. Moreover, volunteering and extracurricular activities (student activities included) will expand your professional horizons and help you decide on a career.

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Intern like Spider-Man

Internships can be beneficial for everyone. Even superheroes need mentors to help them grow their careers and have portfolios filled with adventures. Move on to internships whenever you find an opportunity. Even if you don’t get headhunted like Spider-Man, trust your potentials and apply to internships. You will find hundreds of them on WUZZUF

Internships will expand your professional horizons and help you choose the right career in the future. After you get an internship, don’t just wait for your next assignment. Spider-Man’s story is inspiring because he shows you how you can make the most of your internship and affect your entire future by taking initiative and going the extra mile. 

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Volunteering and student activities are great opportunities for networking and testing your skills and interests. However, when it comes to the job market, you need to impress your recruiters with real experiences throughout your university years. If I were a recruiter, I’d definitely be interested in hiring an experienced fresh graduate. 

Are you ready to unleash your “super” skills? Find your next internship now!

Amgad El-Sakka

Author Amgad El-Sakka

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