A User Experience (UX) designer has to know everything about a product in order to make a good product. They have to know how to make the product desirable for consumers, they must also look into the usability, function, and value of the product. If you want to be a UX designer, you must have a good understanding of consumers and give them a product that they will want. 

Here are some tips on how to build a career in UX design:

What is UX Design?

Before we delve into what you should do to build a career in UX design, you should know what UX designing is all about. UX design is the process through which designers create a product that is desirable, functional, usable, and accessible to consumers. Since the user experience is what essentially defines the success of a product, it’s absolutely essential to spend a considerable amount of time on your user experience. 

You Must Think Like Your Customer

Sketch of Boxes

When you’re designing a product for a particular kind of consumer, you should know how they think. This means that you have to be empathetic and think about what your consumers’ needs and wants are. Don’t be surprised to find that the wants of you and your consumers don’t align. That is why it’s important to do your research on your consumers. Make estimations about what their daily costs are and what their general lifestyle is like. After you’ve gathered enough information, make a comprehensive buyer persona. Try to get in as many details as you can make stories for your consumers, try to think about how you would react if you were in their situation. Think about the problems they may face and how your product can serve as a solution to that problem. This will help you evaluate what may motivate consumers to use your product. 

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Develop Effective Communication Skills

Cables connected.

You should have great communication skills to be an effective UX Designer. You should be able to speak clearly and effectively in order to convince clients why your product is worth investing in. Articulate your ideas with concise but informative sentences. Make it clear to them that you believe in your product and show them your passion for the product.

You should also make it clear to your stakeholders and clients that you understand what your consumer wants. Give them details about the buyer personas you’ve created and explain how you’ve used that knowledge to create a product that addresses certain needs those customers may have. It will also help if you can quote facts and figures to back up each of your claims. It is easier to convince a stakeholder or client if you can prove to them that you’ve done your homework. 

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Make Your Product Useable and Desirable

A hand, threads and pictures.

User Interface (UI) is also a part of UX design. This means that as a UX designer you should evaluate the functionality of your product. Think about your target audience (buyer persona) and what they would exactly want when you’re creating a user interface. Your product should be easily usable by consumers. Make the design easy to use so that your customers can begin using the product without having to spend much time learning how to use it. People might stay clear of your product if it is too difficult to use.

Your product should also be desirable for your customer. Create a product that consumers will want to use. To do that, your product should have a bunch of useful features that are easy and fun to use. Make these features are unique so that they can add value to your product. Your product should not be more of what is already available in the market. A valuable product will also ensure that stakeholders stay interested in your product. 

The aesthetics of your product’s design can also affect the desirability of your product. Focus on making your UX design look attractive to consumers. The appearance of the design itself should play some role in getting people to use your product. Your product should also provide credible information to users. Don’t betray your customers’ trust in any way. Research shows that an audience will be influenced greatly by a credible communicator in certain situations. Therefore, make sure your product has credible information so that more people will turn to your product. 

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Pay Close Attention to Accessibility 

A UX Design Setup

According to the president of Semantic Studios and influential figure in information architecture, Peter Morville, a UX design should be accessible. Your product should include accessibility features that allow different groups of people to use the product with ease. Don’t limit your product to just a specific privileged group of people. Everyone deserves a chance to use your product. You can add a text-to-speech option so that visually-impaired people can use your product as well. That is just one example of how you can make your product more accessible. Focusing on accessibility is an ethical practice that every designer should focus on. 

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Familiarize Yourself with the Right Tools 

A laptop, cup of coffee and two pencils

You should know which tools you can use to improve your skills as a User Experience Designer. Some of these skills include prototyping, developing User Interface designs, motion design, wireframing, and documentation. Find the right tools that will help you spend a significant amount of time practicing each skill. You will only get better at UX design if you practice each of these skills. It’s not enough for a UX designer to be good at just one or two skills. UX design requires that you know every aspect about your product so that you can design it effectively. That’s why it’s important to be good at every skill so that you can identify if there’s anything lacking in your product. 

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Some tools that you can use to improve your skills as a UX designer are Sketch, Adobe XD, InVision, Principle, and Justinmind. You can also take courses to learn how to use these tools effectively.

You have to possess a significant number of skills to be a good UX designer. This is because a UX designer looks into the entire experience a product will provide its user. You can use the aforementioned tips to get started on building a career in UX design.

You can also visit WUZZUF to learn more about UX design jobs that are waiting for you. 



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