

Your e-learning guide to FINALLY finish that online course!

Have you crossed a post with a bunch of links to e-learning websites (MOOCs) and online libraries for courses that you can make use of? You probably saved this post and never checked it back. Did it make you feel overwhelmed by the never-ending flow of knowledge on the internet?

In this article, I will tell you how to overcome this feeling and start making use of your time to learn more and maybe earn a degree or two.

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“Explore” how WUZZUF home page can boost your career!

wuzzuf explore laptop homepage

If you recently went on WUZZUF to search and apply for jobs, then you have probably taken a couple of seconds to make sure that you’re on the right website because it looks different than what you last remember. WUZZUF has just undergone a cool and refined revamp, that aims to take you beyond just looking for a job but to also offer a multitude of career opportunities tailored to your needs!

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Working just for money will ruin your career, science says

Egyptian money

To a hall of eager young college students at the University of Glasgow, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook gave one piece of solid advice: “Don’t work for money, it will wear out fast, or you’ll never make enough and you will never be happy, one or the other.”

Money is a desirable asset, and many times, we get lured to a job opportunity only because it has a big paycheck. But when it comes to being happy, science – in this case, motivation psychology– can tell us another story.

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Why you should work: at a startup in Egypt

You’ve probably had the thought cross your mind once or twice, only to be refuted by some doubts. Leave a comfy salary and exquisite corporate benefits to work at a startup? Scary, but not as crazy as it might seem.

The truth is startups aren’t the unstable, career-shedding gambles they might seem to be; they could give you the opportunity to be free from corporate pain, and they might even take your career to the next level.

Living in one of the most promising entrepreneurial hubs in the world only adds to that value. This is why you should work at a startup in Egypt.

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