
Email & Communication

First-time Manager: How to manage your team’s vacations

bus van surfing board beach

It is gratifying to be the nice manager that accepts employees’ vacation requests all the time until you end up with an empty office and a mounting pile of work that won’t do itself no matter how long you stare at it with pleading eyes. The key solution is not to despairingly try to complete all unfinished tasks by yourself, nor to deny your employees their legally merited annual leave, because it greatly contributes to their feeling refreshed to work again and to prevent long-term burnout. There has to be a system by which vacations are managed. This prepares for when people take unexpected days off (when falling sick or having accidents) and is used to handle peak times for vacations, like the summer, Ramadan and the holiday seasons.

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Long Time No Sea? Prepare for your vacation with this checklist

It’s that time of the year again where the entirety of Cairo is on vacation, and you’re probably dying to take a long weekend off. As fun as it sounds to leave everything behind and just go, adulting is all about being accountable for your actions; so before you pack your swimming suit and sunscreen, here are several things you need to do at the office first.

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Office Drama: How to handle an appraisal gone badly

Life is not always as we want it, especially the professional side of it. We all have our ups and downs, and we are not machines to perform at our best all the time. You are probably reading this article as you approach your quarter review or appraisal meeting. This article is to help you know how to handle the situation in which you hit rock bottom with a bad appraisal.

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