

Recruiting Women in Technology

Only 25% of the technology industry is made up of women. Reports of women in technology include stories of gender bias, unequal pay, and limited opportunities. Studies show a direct correlation between more women in leadership and 41% higher returns on equity as well as 56% better-operating results. Despite these studies, the tech industry remains behind when it comes to finding, hiring, and retaining women.

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Tough Call: Should you pay your Interns?

money should you pay your interns?

It’s still a controversial matter in some countries whether to pay interns you employ in your company or not, for example, it wasn’t until this month that the European Parlimant officially banned unpaid internships in a historic decision. But according to the Egyptian labor law, it falls upon the employers to choose whether they want to compensate the interns or not. So if it depends on you as an employer, here is what you should consider if you are paying or not paying your interns.

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Screening Questions: What, Why, & How?

Did you know that answering Screening Questions increases your chances of having your job applications viewed? And that’s merely one of the reasons why they are an important part of applying for jobs on WUZZUF.

One of the features that we offer companies on WUZZUF is the ability to add a number of customizable questions to a job post for applicants to answer. These are called Screening Questions, and we’re going to discuss why you should answer them and how to best do it.

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