

First-time Manager: How to manage your team’s vacations

bus van surfing board beach

It is gratifying to be the nice manager that accepts employees’ vacation requests all the time until you end up with an empty office and a mounting pile of work that won’t do itself no matter how long you stare at it with pleading eyes. The key solution is not to despairingly try to complete all unfinished tasks by yourself, nor to deny your employees their legally merited annual leave, because it greatly contributes to their feeling refreshed to work again and to prevent long-term burnout. There has to be a system by which vacations are managed. This prepares for when people take unexpected days off (when falling sick or having accidents) and is used to handle peak times for vacations, like the summer, Ramadan and the holiday seasons.

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Tough Call: Should you pay your Interns?

money should you pay your interns?

It’s still a controversial matter in some countries whether to pay interns you employ in your company or not, for example, it wasn’t until this month that the European Parlimant officially banned unpaid internships in a historic decision. But according to the Egyptian labor law, it falls upon the employers to choose whether they want to compensate the interns or not. So if it depends on you as an employer, here is what you should consider if you are paying or not paying your interns.

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Before you miss your deadline AGAIN, read this!

Deadlines in the historical sense mean a line drawn around a prison beyond which prisoners risked getting shot. But unless you work for a really strict boss, deadlines mean something different now. However, they still have the same frightening effect. Missing deadlines is also a constant struggle for many.

But don’t worry. You’re going to understand the exact reasons why you’re missing deadlines.

But first here’s a good tip to keep in mind: You could be constantly losing your battle against deadlines due to a combination of the factors on this list. No single one of them is standalone. So take this into consideration when you’re narrowing down the source of the problem.

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Screening Questions: What, Why, & How?

Did you know that answering Screening Questions increases your chances of having your job applications viewed? And that’s merely one of the reasons why they are an important part of applying for jobs on WUZZUF.

One of the features that we offer companies on WUZZUF is the ability to add a number of customizable questions to a job post for applicants to answer. These are called Screening Questions, and we’re going to discuss why you should answer them and how to best do it.

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Sick of being interrupted by men at work? Here’s how to stop it

Female Obama staffers in meeting

You might not be that familiar with the term, but if you’re a woman working in an office you’re probably quite familiar with the phenomenon. ‘Manterruption’ is the universal phenomenon of men interrupting women at work.

It happens everywhere from meetings in boardrooms and courtrooms to the US Senate, so you’re not alone. A recent study at Yale’s University suggests that women get more interrupted for speaking more than men with the same status. And it’s not the only research that concluded the same. Here’s what you can do to deal with manterruptions at work.

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How to FINALLY meet your deadlines

Ho to meet deadlines watches

When you know the reasons behind missing deadlines, you can’t help but question the importance of having deadlines at all. The truth is deadlines are important because they give you a goal to work towards.

Accordingly, you have to get into the mindset of constructing a plan, setting priorities, and getting into the nitty-gritty of a task.

That’s why we’ve created this guide which will help you meet your upcoming deadlines.

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