
Work Life

5-min. Books: The Power of Habit


Does your hand automatically reach for your phone on your bedside as soon as you wake up? Do you think about how to create a knot while tying your shoelaces or has it become such a natural process that you don’t even think about its steps These actions have become unconscious sequences that we do not perform deliberately; or to put a label on them: habits. You know what you’re doing, but you do not consciously choose to initiate the action. A habit happens actually half of the time you are awake, while you are performing automatic behaviors.

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7 Learning apps to wake up the learner in you

hand mobile smart phone

When getting a job interview, some think of it as a test where they have to answer all the questions correctly, and others believe that googling a list of “the most common interview questions” is what it takes to be ready. In reality, neither approach is enough to prepare for a job interview. Interviews have two purposes. To the interviewer, he/she wants to know a couple of clear facts about what you can do for the company and how well you fit into the company culture and environment. As for you, it’s an excellent opportunity to boost your chances of getting hired through talking about your skills and showcasing how relevant they are to the job.

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First-time Manager: How to manage your team’s vacations

bus van surfing board beach

It is gratifying to be the nice manager that accepts employees’ vacation requests all the time until you end up with an empty office and a mounting pile of work that won’t do itself no matter how long you stare at it with pleading eyes. The key solution is not to despairingly try to complete all unfinished tasks by yourself, nor to deny your employees their legally merited annual leave, because it greatly contributes to their feeling refreshed to work again and to prevent long-term burnout. There has to be a system by which vacations are managed. This prepares for when people take unexpected days off (when falling sick or having accidents) and is used to handle peak times for vacations, like the summer, Ramadan and the holiday seasons.

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